The Ultimate Guide to Growing Fresh Seasonings with Hydroponics

I was tired of wasting money on herbs whenever I wanted to cook something flavorful. I wanted a steady supply of freshly-harvested herbs that I could use in my meals with ease. That’s actually how my journey of growing hydroponically started.

Growing herbs in hydroponics is an easy and effective way to have a steady supply of fresh seasonings for cooking available. The most popular herbs like basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, sage, cilantro, and parsley are great for growing in hydroponics.

In this article, I’ll share the basics of hydroponic gardening and how to choose a system for growing herbs. Then, I’ll provide tips for growing herbs with hydroponics as well as harvesting them so you can get the most flavorful food possible.

Overview of Hydroponic Gardening

Have you always dreamed about having your own vegetable indoor garden? Hydroponic gardening is the perfect way to grow fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs in a controlled environment. It’s also an environmentally friendly way of growing because there’s no need for soil or pesticides.

Hydroponic gardening is a soil-less method of growing that utilizes nutrient-rich water solutions to provide the necessary nutrients for plants. The vantage of hydroponics is that plants can get all the essential nutrients they need without using traditional soil. This makes controlling and monitoring nutrient levels easier for optimal plant health.

Some Herbs in my Hydroponic system – Basil, thyme, Parsley, Rosemary

Benefits of Growing Herbs for Seasonings in Hydroponics

There are many benefits to growing herbs for seasonings in hydroponics. Here are some of the benefits:

Cost Savings on Grocery Store Purchases

Growing your own herbs in a hydroponic system can save you money on grocery store purchases in the long run.

No Messy Soil Needed

Growing hydroponically means you don’t have to deal with soil and dirt. You just need to set up your hydroponic system, fill it with nutrient-rich water, and you’re good to go! that is especially important if you live in an apartment or other small space.

Harvest Herbs All Year Round

Using hydroponic systems, you can grow herbs all year round. You don’t have to worry about the changing seasons, as your plants will always be receiving the same amount of light and nutrients.


The biggest benefit of growing hydroponically is the freshness and flavor of your herbs. The taste of freshly harvested herbs is incomparable to anything you can buy in a store. and it’s always just a few steps away from your kitchen.

Improved Plant Health and Growth

Hydroponics allows you to closely monitor and control the plant’s environment. This helps improve their growth rate and overall health, resulting in larger yields of flavorful herbs.

Variety of Herbs Available to Grow

The variety of herbs you can grow in hydroponics is vast. From basil to oregano, from rosemary to thyme, you can have the freshest ingredients for your meals right at home.

Choosing the Right Hydroponic System for Your Needs

when you want to start growing hydroponics, you need to choose the right system for your needs. Many types of hydroponic systems are available, such as wick systems, drip systems, and ebb-and-flow systems. Each system has its own benefits and drawbacks depending on what plants you’re looking to grow.

Here is a short overview of the most common systems:

Deep Water Culture (DWC) System

One of the most popular systems, this type of hydroponic system involves plants being suspended in a nutrient-rich solution in water. The roots are constantly submerged in the water for optimal growth and health. This is a great choice for beginners and for growing herbs

Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)

This type of hydroponic system involves the plant’s roots being suspended in a shallow stream of nutrient-rich water. The roots are constantly exposed to oxygen as they move through the solution. This is a great choice for more experienced gardeners who want to maximize their plant growth and health. Crops such as lettuce, herbs, do well in this system.

Ebb and Flow System

Ebb and Flow systems involve plants being suspended in a tray of nutrient-rich water. The water is pumped through the tray at regular intervals, flooding it and allowing the roots to soak up what they need before draining away and returning again later. This type of system is great for growing herbs, and vegetables

Drip Irrigation System

A Drip Irrigation system is great for growers who want to precisely control the amount of water and nutrients their plants receive. It involves a slow, steady drip of nutrient-rich water directly onto the roots. This allows for precise monitoring and adjustment of the overall environment for optimal growth and health.

System For Beginners

For those of you who are new to the world of hydroponic growing and just want to get going and grow your own herbs on the kitchen counter, I highly recommend considering a countertop hydroponic system like the one from AeroGarden.

That system are based on DWC systems and specifically designed with beginners in mind and come equipped with all the necessary components for successful indoor herb gardening. They’re incredibly user-friendly, easy to set up and maintain and provide optimal lighting conditions for your plants.

Tips on Caring for Your Herbs

Once you’ve chosen your hydroponic system, there are several steps you should take to ensure that your plants thrive.

Choosing the Right Nutrient Solution

When it comes to hydroponic gardening, the most important factor is choosing the right nutrient solution. The nutrient solution needs to provide all the essential nutrients your plants need for healthy growth. Be sure to research what type of nutrient solution is best suited for growing herbs

Establishing an Optimal Growing Environment

When it comes to growing herbs, you need to ensure that the environment is just right for them. This means controlling and monitoring factors such as temperature, humidity, lighting, and water flow. Different herbs need different amounts of each factor so be sure to research beforehand.

Proper Lighting Requirements

It’s important to provide your herbs with the right type of lighting, as different types of lighting can affect how well your plants grow. LEDs are a great option for indoor hydroponic gardening and are more energy-efficient than other types of lights.

Herbs don’t need a lot of light to grow so you don’t need to spend a lot on lighting. Read more about how much light hydroponic plant need in this article I have written.

Maintaining a Consistent Water Temperature

For optimal growth and health, your herbs need a consistent water temperature. This means keeping the water in your system at around 75-85°F (24-29°C).

If the temperature is not within this range, your plants could suffer from diseases like root rot. If you want to read more about root rot and how to prevent it I recommend reading this article.

Monitoring the pH Level of the Water

Finally, when it comes to growing herbs in a hydroponic system, you need to monitor the pH level of the water. This is because different plants prefer different pH levels. Most common herbs prefer a pH level of around 6.5-7. but it’s best to research the specific plant you are growing to make sure you provide it with the right environment.

Harvesting Herbs for Cooking

Now the big moment has arrived and it’s time to harvest your herbs! When harvesting herbs, it’s important to do so in the early morning or evening when the plants have cooled down from the heat of the day.

It’s also important not to harvest more than 1/3 of the plant at once, as this can weaken the plant and reduce its chances of producing bountiful yields in the future.

When you harvest, be sure to use scissors or a knife instead of pulling off the leaves with your hands. Then you can store your freshly harvested herbs in an airtight container or dry them for later use.

if you want to learn how to harvest and prune your herbs so it grows forever then I encourage you to read this article I have composed.

Varieties Best Suited for Hydroponic Growing Conditions

If you’re looking to save on valuable growing space and light sources, some of the best herbs for hydroponic gardening include:

– Basil

– Oregano

– Rosemary

– Thyme

– Parsley

– Chives.

Herbs like sage, mint, and dill can also be grown in a hydroponic system, but they require more space and light than other herbs.

These are just a few options, but there are many more herbs that can be grown in hydroponic systems. Again when choosing varieties for your system, research which ones will do best in your setup.


Hydroponic gardening is a great way to grow fresh herbs. With the right equipment, nutrients, and environment, you can enjoy delicious home-grown herbs all year round. Be sure to properly monitor your plants’ temperature, pH levels, and lighting needs for optimal growth. Finally, when it comes time to harvest your crops be sure to do it in the early morning or evening, and don’t harvest more than 1/3 of the plant at once. With these tips, you can become a hydroponic herb-growing expert in no time! Good luck and happy growing!

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