Growing Chickpeas Hydroponically

You’ve decided to take on the challenge of growing chickpeas hydroponically. You may have heard of hydroponic gardening before but aren’t sure where to start—but fear not! Growing chickpeas hydroponically is doable and brings with it several benefits.

Growing chickpeas hydroponically is a popular, low-maintenance way to cultivate your crop. With this form of farming comes numerous advantages such as an accelerated growth rate and higher yields. Taking control of the environment you grow in will maximize both growth and health for optimal results.

In this article, I will walk you through the steps of growing chickpeas hydroponically. I will cover when and how to harvest and germinate your seeds into full-grown crops.

What are Chickpeas

Chickpeas are a popular type of legume with edible seeds, also called garbanzo beans. They are packed with essential nutrients such as protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a healthy addition to many diets worldwide.

Chickpeas come in two primary types: desi and kabuli. Desi chickpeas are smaller, darker in color, have a thicker seed coat, and have a stronger flavor compared to kabuli chickpeas, which are larger, lighter in color, have a thin seed coat, and have a milder flavor. Kabuli is the most common type used in hydroponic cultivation.

Benefits of Growing chickpeas Hydroponically

Whether you have recently begun your hydroponic journey or already have experience, growing chickpeas is a fantastic way to take things to the next level, and it is a rewarding crop to grow.

Growing chickpeas hydroponically has numerous benefits, including faster growth rates, higher yields, and better control over growing conditions.

Hydroponic systems offer precise regulation of nutrients, water, and environmental factors such as light and temperature, which can help optimize the plants’ growth and overall health.

Hydroponic chickpeas can be cultivated in a controlled environment all year round, providing a dependable source of this nutritious legume regardless of the season.

This method of cultivation is also more sustainable and efficient, requiring less water and space than traditional soil-based farming.

want to read more about The Benefits of Hydroponics then I have this article written for you.

The best Hydroponic system for growing chickpeas

The type of hydroponic system you choose for your chickpea cultivation will depend on the size and scope of your project, as well as the resources available to you.

Chickpeas roots require a lot of space to cultivate, so a system with a larger container for the plant, such as a deep-water culture or ebb & flow system, is best.

These systems provide ample room for the roots to spread out and develop fully

Deep Water Culture (DWC)

Is one of the simplest and easiest to maintain once it is set up, making it a popular system for beginners. This system involves suspending the plants’ roots in a nutrient-rich water reservoir.

Unlike other systems that allow the root of the plant to be exposed to air, this system keeps them submerged in water at all times. This lets them take up as much oxygen and nutrients as they need, earning it its name of “deep water culture”.

To maintain a high level of oxygen in the water, an air pump and an air stone are needed.

Ebb & flow (flood and drain)

Ebb & flow is another beginner-friendly and efficient and reliable hydroponic setup. This system involves flooding the roots with nutrient solution for a set period before draining it out, allowing the air to oxygenate the roots and flush out excess salts.

This system may require some additional equipment such as a timer and water pump, but it offers more control over the environment than DWC.

How To Grow Chickpeas From Seed

Germinating the Seeds

Before you can begin growing your chickpeas, you must first germinate the seeds in order to jumpstart their growth.

Soak them in warm water overnight and then transfer them to a damp paper towel or growing medium such as vermiculite. Place the seed-soaked paper towel or vermiculite in a warm and humid environment, such as near a radiator or on top of a refrigerator. The seeds should begin to sprout within a few days.

Planting the Seeds

Once the seeds have germinated, they can be planted in the hydroponic system. Be sure to plant them at least 3 to 4 inches (7.6 to 10 cm) apart, as they need ample room to grow and develop into healthy plants.

Nutrition and pH Levels

Chickpeas need to be provided with the right nutrition in order to flourish, so it is essential that you use a nutrient solution specifically formulated for hydroponic cultivation. I have used Terra Autiqa’s Hydroponic Nutrient Solution with great success in my hydroponic garden.

It requires an EC level of 2.0- 4.0 or ppm of 1400-2800

Lightning Chickpeas

As with many other plants, chickpeas require ample light in order to grow and produce healthy yields. It is important to provide them with 12-14 hours of light per day, using natural light or good quality grow light.

Harvesting the Chickpeas

Chickpeas are ready for harvesting once the seed pods turn yellow and begin to dry out on the plant, about 100 days after planting. It is also possible to harvest the chickpeas while they are still green and eat them like snap beans, but the flavor may not be as intense.

You can either harvest them one by one by hand, or you can cut off the entire plant to collect the pods at once.

Once harvested, be sure to store them in a cool and dry environment until ready for consumption.

Growing chickpeas in DWC method

Tips for Successful Growth of Chickpeas Hydroponically

  • Use quality materials, such as nutrient solutions and grow lights, for the successful growth of chickpeas.
  • Maintain high oxygen levels by using an air pump & stone in Deep Water Culture (DWC).
  • Ensure that water is drained out periodically from Ebb & Flow system so that roots are exposed to air & excess salts are flushed away
  • Monitor pH and EC levels regularly to ensure optimal growth conditions


Growing chickpeas hydroponically is a great way to produce healthy and flavorful crops without the need for soil. With proper care, using quality materials, monitoring pH levels and EC values regularly, as well as providing plenty of oxygen and light exposure, anyone can successfully grow their own chickpeas in no time. Whether you are looking to enjoy fresh green snap beans or dry yellow seeds for storage purposes, following these tips will ensure that your plants yield high-quality results every time.

Happy Growing! 🙂


Q: How long does it take to grow chickpeas hydroponically from seed?

A: It takes approximately 100 days from the germination of the seeds to harvesting.

Q: What type of nutrient solution should be used for successful growth?

A: It is important to use a nutrient solution specifically formulated for hydroponic cultivation, with an EC level of 2.0-4.0 or ppm of 1400-2800.

Q: How much light is needed for optimal growth?

A: Chickpeas need 12-14 hours of light per day, using natural light or good quality grow lights.

Q: When are chickpeas ready to be harvested?

A: Once the seed pods turn yellow and begin to dry out on the plant, about 100 days after planting, they are ready for harvesting. It’s also possible to harvest them while they are still green and enjoy them as snap beans.

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