Can Hydroponic Plants Get Too Much Light

We all know plants need light to grow, but have you ever wondered if plants can get too much light? In this article, we will dig deeper into this question and find out how much light hydroponic plants should have, and if they can get too much light.

Hydroponically grown plants can get too much light. Excessive exposure to intense light can damage the plants and secondly, exaggerated lighting durations can disrupt their growth cycle and affect flowering.

Are you curious about how much light hydroponic plants need? Are you unsure if your plant is receiving too much exposure to sunlight? Or maybe you’re wondering what the ideal lighting hours for a hydroponic system should be. If so, then I encourage you to read on.

Can Too Much Light Harm Hydroponic Plants?

bleached leaves “photobleaching

When we talk about light for plants, there are two terms we need to talk about. Intensity and duration. Intensity is how powerful the light source is, measured in lumens or lux, such as sunlight or a bulb. Duration is how long the plants are exposed to that light source, which can be either natural (like sunlight) or artificial (such as an LED grow lamp).

these two terms, combined with the type of plant, will determine how much light your hydroponic plants need or can manage. But let’s dive deeper into each one.

How does the intensity of light affect plants?

as mentioned before, the intensity of the light source is measured in lumens or lux. The more powerful a light source is, the more exposure it has and, in turn, the greater the chance of burning your plants also known as photobleaching.

This refers to when too intense a light source causes photosynthesis to be overworked and leads to nutrient deficiency. When this happens, the chlorophyll present in leaves breaks down, causing them to lose their color and become bleached.

Therefore if you’re using an artificial lighting system such as LEDs or CFLs (compact fluorescent lights), make sure they are not too close to your plants or that they aren’t too bright for the type of plant you’re growing.

If you wish to learn more about how to identify photobleaching and other plant-related issues simply by examining their leaves, I strongly suggest reading this article that I composed.

How does the light duration affect plants?

Light duration is the measure of how long your plants are exposed to light. Too much exposure can lead to photoperiodism, which is when the plant’s growth cycle is disrupted due to its exposure to light for too long.

For example, some flowers need a certain amount of “night” as they rely on it for flowering and fruiting. If you leave them in direct light all day, they may not flower or fruit at all because their natural circadian rhythm has been disrupted by too much light.

How do I know if my plant is getting too much light?

The best way to know is by observing your plants. If they start to wilt or yellow, it might be an indication that the light intensity or duration is too much for them. You can also use a lux meter (a device used to measure light intensity) to get an idea of how much light your hydroponic system is providing.

a quick way to minimize the light intensity for your plants is to move the light source further away from them, it will also reduce the heat generated by the light source.

How Long Should Lights Be On in a Hydroponic System?

The amount of time you should keep lights on in a hydroponic system depends mainly on the type of plants you’re growing and what stage they are in.

But a general rule is:

Growth StageLight Intensity (lumens/lux)Light Duration
Seedling Stage200 – 500 lumens/100-200 lux16 hours
Vegetative Stag400 – 800 lumens/250-500 lux18-20 hours
Flowering Stage600 – 1000 lm/400-600 lux12-14 hours

If you want a more accurate way of calculating how many hours your grow light should be turned on for specific plants and grow light, then you should research DLI.

DLI (Daily Light Integral) evaluates the amount of light your plants will experience during 24 hours, depending on the selected source.

Do Hydroponics Plants Need Darkness?

hydroponic plants will need darkness as well. Darkness allows the plant to rest and recover its nutrients, as it helps them absorb oxygen and produce energy.

During the day, the light will cause photosynthesis and during the night, they will be able to recover from all their hard work.

most plants will grow faster during evening and night times than during the day, so make sure to allow your plants to have some dark time every day, as it will improve their overall health.


In conclusion, hydroponic plants need the right amount of light in order to grow healthy and strong. The intensity and duration of the light will depend on what type of plants you’re growing. Too much or too little light can both be detrimental to your plants, so it is important to find a balance that works for your system.

By following the guidelines of light intensity and duration for each growth stage, you can ensure that your plants will get the right amount of light to thrive. Additionally, it is important to remember that hydroponic plants need darkness as well. This helps them rest and recover their nutrients so they can grow strong and healthy.

With careful attention and monitoring, you can ensure that your hydroponic plants get the right amount of light they need to thrive.

Happy Growing!

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