Boost Yield: Clone Hydroponic Strawberries with Runners

Are you looking for a way to boost the yield of your hydroponic strawberry plants without having to buy more plants? When I started growing hydroponic strawberries, I purchased established plants from a nursery. But once I learned about the benefits of cloning plants with runners, I never had to buy another one again.

Strawberry runners, or stolons, are thin stems that develop from the base of a mature plant. They grow along the surface, producing small, genetically identical plantlets that can develop into new strawberry plants. This natural propagation method has been used for centuries by farmers and gardeners to produce new strawberries and increase yield.

In this article, I will go over the different methods of cloning strawberry plants with runners and discuss the benefits to be had from this process. Plus, I’ll provide a step-by-step guide to help you successfully clone your strawberry plants for maximum yield. Finally, I’ll touch on some of the potential challenges that could arise in hydroponic cloning, and what you can do to avoid them.

Why Gardeners Don’t Grow Strawberries From Seed

Growing strawberries from seed can be a time-consuming process, as it can take up to a year for a seed to grow into a mature plant that can produce fruit.

Additionally, due to the hybrid nature of strawberries, offspring may exhibit variations in traits, resulting in lower-quality plants and berries that may not meet the desired characteristics.

To avoid this, many gardeners prefer to purchase established strawberry plants with roots, which can produce new leaves and flowers within weeks and mature fruit in 2-3 months. If you have bought plants from a nursery and they have been grown in soil, then I have this article for you on how to transplant from soil to hydroponic

By selecting established plants with desirable traits, growers can ensure a higher quality yield and reduce the risk of inconsistencies in their harvest.

That’s where cloning hydroponic strawberry plants with runners comes into play.

Benefits of Cloning Strawberry Plants With Runners

Cloning strawberry plants with runners is a great way to increase your yield while maintaining the same high-quality produce.

The process is relatively easy and can take as little as 3 weeks, compared to the year-long wait when planting from seed. Plus, since all of your new plants from runners will be genetically identical, you won’t have to worry about inconsistencies in your harvest and you will keep the traits of the original plant.

Cloning is also much less expensive than purchasing established plants from a nursery. Plus, it’s an environmentally friendly way to propagate your strawberry plants since there are no hazardous materials or waste involved.

Finally, hydroponic cloning with runners can help you get more plants in a shorter amount of time, allowing you to expand your strawberry crop faster.

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of cloning hydroponic strawberry plants with runners, let’s take a look at how it is done.

Different Methods of Cloning Hydroponic Strawberries

The three most common methods of cloning hydroponic strawberry plants with runners are using rooting hormones and mist propagation.

Division propagation: Division propagation involves dividing an existing mother plant into several new plants. The crown can naturally divide into two or three new plants, which can then be transplanted directly into the hydroponic system. I do not prefer this method because it causes a lot of stress to the plant.

Mist Propagation: Mist propagation is an effective and low-cost method for cloning hydroponic strawberry plants with runners. In this process, you simply place the cloned runners into a humidity dome or mist system that provides consistent levels of moisture and air circulation to aid in root development.

Plant Directly without cutting: This is the simplest method of cloning hydroponic strawberry plants with runners. You simply take a runner from an existing plant and still attached to it and bury it in a growing medium so that only the leaves remain above ground. To keep the humidity level high, cover the runner with a plastic bag. The runner will eventually produce its own roots and create a new, independent plant.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cloning Hydroponic Strawberry Plants With Runners

Now that you know the different methods of cloning hydroponic strawberry plants, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide for a successful process. We will use the Mist propagation method, as it’s more convenient to be able to relocate the runners to a different place.

Parts Needed

Mature Strawberry PlantThe parent plant that will produce the runners
Propagation tray or Aeroponic clonerTo plant the runner plantlets
Rockwool plugs or Rapid rooter plugsTo ensure optimal growing conditions and keep the roots moist if using an Aeroponic cloner you can place them direct in
Grow LightTo ensure the plantlets gets energy enough to promote growth

1. Select an established plant

Choose an existing plant with desirable traits, such as larger and sweeter berries or strong root growth.

2. Identify runners ready for rooting

Find a runner that has developed a few leaves and has some little white shoots forming on the underside of the plantlets. Cut it off the mother plant with a pair of sharp scissors or pruners. Leave a couple of inches of stem attached to the runner.

3. Prepare the plantlets and growing medium

Dip the cut end and the white shooting in a rooting hormone solution. This will help the plant develop roots more quickly. Soak the Growing medium in clean water. Place the medium in the growing tray. If using an aeroponic cloner you can place the plantlets directly in a net cup without growing medium. The aeroponic cloner also helps with keeping a perfect oxygen level for the roots.

4. Place the plantlets in the growing medium

Place the plantlets in the pre-soaked growing medium. you can break apart the growing medium a bit to make a better resting place for the plantlets. If using aeroponics you can skip the growing medium and place the plantlets in the net cup which usually comes with the aeroponic cloner machine.

5. Keep warm and moist

Keep the growing medium moist but not soaked and ensure that the humidity dome is always closed to keep it warm and a high humidity.

6. Growing lights

Ensure the plantlets gets enough quality light. Use some small grow lights for the growing tray. Keep the light on for around 18 hours and 6 hours off.

6. Monitor root growth

Check on the progress of your clones every couple of days and see if roots start appearing. It can take anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks for the root system to develop.

You can transplant the roots into your desired system once they have developed enough to reach the nutrients.

Potential Challenges in Hydroponic Cloning and How to Avoid Them

Hydroponic cloning can have its challenges as well. Here are some potential issues you may face and how to avoid them:

• Overwatering: When overwatering, the growing medium will become waterlogged, leading to root rot or fungus infections which could be fatal for your plants. Make sure that there is good airflow and that the growing medium is not overly wet before you water your plants.

• water quality: Poor water quality can lead to fungi and harmful bacteria, or worse—plant death. Use filtered or distilled water and test the pH levels of your water regularly, it should be around 5.8 -6 when cloning.

• Not humid enough: To promote new root growth, the humidity levels should be high. Roots need to stay hydrated and the humidity helps with that. Make sure your plants are covered with a plastic dome or something similar to keep the humidity levels high around them.


Cloning hydroponic strawberry plants with runners is a great way to boost your yields and save time in the process. The steps are quite simple—all you need is a healthy plant, the right growing medium, rooting hormone solution, and some patience! With proper care and attention, you can successfully clone your own hydroponic strawberry plants with runners and enjoy a larger, healthier yield. Good luck!

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